Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Nothing Substitutes for Hard Work. Nothing

None of us are born pre-qualified to live our dreams. The only way we become qualified is by doing the work. Putting in our time, crawling before we walk, taking one step at a time, grind and keep grinding, train and sweat, sweat and train. On the path to success, hard work is inevitable. Hard work is necessary. Hard work is good. Hard work is what makes success taste so sweet. If you want something bad enough, you have to make sacrifices. You have to grind your ass off and fight your way to success. If you want it bad enough, you have to work longer and harder than anyone else. Book knowledge and degrees are great, but nothing substitutes for old fashion hard work. Look, no one is going to hand you your dream job, and it is a waste of life to try and pre-qualify yourself for your dreams. You just have to put in the work and just do it and keep going once you start. Sign up for the race. Train for the race. Run the race and find your finish line. Nothing Substitutes for Hard Work. Nothing


It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
