Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Learn How To Use Your Struggles

Stop looking at your struggles as failures, when we see them as failures they can throw you off your endgame, they can mess us up. Your struggles are merely winds of resistance that tries to hold you back from achieving your goal. They are the strong winds in a storm that tries to push you off the road that you are traveling to reach your destination. Without your struggles, you would be a puffed up and fake. You see, your struggles, give you a chance to be real, they remind us that we are not perfect. Your struggles make you have to work harder on tomorrow. Your struggle may be annoying, but they have a purpose. But the best thing about your struggles is simply this; they are temporary, they won’t last always. So, when your troubles come, don’t just sit and sulk, just remember that, without them, you wouldn't be where you are, or who you are. Because they taught you strength, they taught your patience, and they taught you humility and grace.

It’s Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)
