Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Don't Let Others Label You


Don't let others label you, nor should you allow others to put you into a box. When you allow them to force a circle into a square hole, you are allowing them to change your very being. People think that you have to be this or that. But the question is, why can't you be this and that? You can explore various interest. You can like vanilla ice cream on today, have chocolate on tomorrow, and the next day you can have chocolate and vanilla. You can decide something one day, and then later change your mind, and not worry about people thinking you are flighty or off-centered.  Do you.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Don’t limit yourself to one thing, just because you are worrying about what others and going to think. Live your life with no regret and remember this, some boxes are made for burying things that are dead and not for the living. Just be you, that is all you can ever be, just you.

It's Just A Thought

Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith) 
