Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Over the years, I have learned, that we get out of life what we expect out of life. So, the question is, what are you expecting in your life? If we are honest with ourselves, we all have asked for something and really did not expect to get it, and we didn’t. You see when you expect to get nothing you usually get exactly what you are expected, nothing. Life gives us what we expect. So, whatever we focus on, tend to reproduce in our lives.


When I get up in the morning and reach behind the shower curtains and turn on the water, I always get what I am expecting. Water. You see, your attitude impacts how the universe responses to your request. If you ask in faith, the universe will open the windows of blessing in your life and pour you out a blessing you won’t have room enough to receive. But, you must ask expecting to receive it. If you expect bad things, that is what you will get.  If you expect good things, you will receive them.


Uncle Paul’s Thought: Life often gives you whatever you expect from it. How can you speak to your mountains and say, mountain be thou removed when you don’t believe it will move? You must take action based on what you expect. Your expectation is a belief about whether or not you are going to get what you want. If you want to change your life, you must change your expectations.


It’s Just A Thought


Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)

