Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

You Are Not Last, You Are Right On Time

You Are Not Last, You Are Right On Time

In life, you are going to run into delays, but the delays are not denials. What I have come to understand is, my delays, simply tell me, that I am not ready to handle what’s coming next.

Those waiting periods are there to help prepare us and test us so that you can face whatever is coming in the next phase of our journey. Please understand that your impatience will sometimes get you into trouble. We must learn to wait patiently, trust the process and trust the timing.

It may appear that you are always in, the last place. But, it is all about how you perceive it. You see, what is for you, is for you; at the right time. It may appear that you are last, but really, you are just in time.

Remember this, schedules can change, but the promise will remain the same. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)



It's A New Day

It's A New Day

The Measure of One's Success

The Measure of One's Success