Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Sometimes in life, you just have to walk the path that has been appointed to you. It may not be easy, people may not understand, but you must walk that path, even if you have to do it alone. Yea though I walk through the valley, the key here is you must keep walking. You see, if you keep walking, no matter how dark the trail may be. No matter how many obstacles you have to walk over. No matter how many tears you have to drink. You will eventually get to the other side.


Remember this; you have to walk through it, to get to it. So, walk on, through the storms and rain. Walk on, through the hurt and pain. Walk on, through the lonely hours. Walk on, even when you think you can't take another step. Walk On. Walk on, my Brother. Walk on, my Sister. You are just a few steps from victory, but you gotta keep walking.


It’s just a thought.

Paul Steven Smith

(Uncle Paul)
