Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself

At what point in life, do we stop worrying about what others think about you and just focus on the things that you know you need to do. One thing, which I have learned over the years, is that I don’t need others permission or approval to be who I am.


I know we all want to be liked and accepted, by other, and by doing so, we find ourselves trying to fit in the box of conformity. But, we already know, we don’t fit into that box. How can you make a round peg, fit into a square hole? People will try and tell you what will make you happy, but you already know, that is not so. 


At some point in life, you have to free yourself from other’s expectations and just be you. When you truly understand who you are and what you were created for, you will begin to see things from a different perspective, and you will start to live outside the box where you belong.


Remember this, the world needs you, a designer original and not just another carbon copy. You are a circle, and you will never fit in a square hole. Be yourself and don’t give a hoot, what others think of you. 

Know Thy Strength

Know Thy Strength

I am a Comeback Story…

I am a Comeback Story…