Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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It's A New Day

Today is a new day. A day with no history or past. There comes a time when we must stop allowing our past to dictate our destiny. At some point, we must stop playing the victim role and rise up, out of the dust and move closer to our goals, our dreams, and the life that we have been promised.


Please understand that you have the power to shape your life and break free from the mistakes of your past. You have the power and the authority to embrace your truth, your greatness, and your future. You were born for more than just a mundane life. You were born for an extraordinary, an amazing, life.


So, remember this, you deserve better. You must let go of the past and embrace your new day, a day that is full of promise. You owe it to yourself; you deserve it; you have earned it. So, remember this, yesterday is gone and today is a new day, a new chapter in the book of life, waiting to be written. So, let it be a best seller.


It’s just a thought.


Paul Steven Smith

(Uncle Paul)
