Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Fear Is Not Alway Negative

Fear Is Not Alway Negative

Fear is a normal part of life, especially when we make a conscious decision to bring about change in our lives. In the process of change, fear pops up its ugly head, and we begin to question whether or not we are smart enough, whether we have what it takes to bring about the change that is necessary, to get us to our next level.

Someone once asked a man after accepting a new job, did he have any fear? The man answered, yes, I am afraid all the time, but I would never reach my goals or accomplish anything if I just accept the fear. He said, you see, we all have some fears, but we must not let our fears stop us from moving forward. We must go to our fears and look them in the face, and learn from them and manage them, and not let them manage us.

We must understand that fear is not necessarily a bad thing. So often we look at our fears in a negative way, but actually, our fear can be a very positive force. Our fears can signal that we are changing, growing, developing and moving outside of your comfort zone. You can ask anyone who has ever made major changes in their lives; there is always some fear and dis-ease. That is part of it. Look, if it were easy, we would have already done it. We must take our fears and use them to our advantage.

Remember this; fear is a natural part of starting down a new path in life. Always, find the positives in your fear, accept it, embrace it, never aim to go around it or avoid it. Make your fear, work for you. After all, your fear might just be a sign that you are ready to take the next steps in your evolution of change. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)




Do It Afraid

Do It Afraid

We Must Move Beyond Our Fear

We Must Move Beyond Our Fear