Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Fear Is Holding Me Back

Fear Is Holding Me Back

This morning when I was looking in my mirror shaving, I heard a voice say face your fears. Which was a confirmation from a word that I received from one of my mentors, Preston Smiles. He has also given me a seven-day challenge that he wants me to complete.

You see, I have been trying to complete a task, but I have convinced myself that I don’t have the time. But, I find hours doing things that have absolutely, no added value to my life.

I constantly say I wish I had more hours in the day. It’s one thing everyone wants, and yet it’s impossible to attain. But what if you could free up significant time—maybe as much as 25% of my evenings, to focus on the task that really matters?

What if I eliminate unimportant tasks and replace them with value-added ones? What if I cut of the television, or stopped surfing the internet all night. What if I worked on my value-added task, when I wake up in the middle of the night, instead of cutting on the television. This morning I had to come to grip with the fact that, I have the time, but I am spending it on activities that add no value to my life.

So, why do I keep cling to tasks that add no value? Why is it that I can find time for everything except the thing, I know I need to be working on? Here is my answer, FEAR. FEAR of failure. FEAR of success.

I will write more on this tomorrow. But in the meantime, remember this, honesty is the first step to healing a wounded soul. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

We Must Move Beyond Our Fear

We Must Move Beyond Our Fear

You May Be DOWN, But YOU’RE Not OUT.

You May Be DOWN, But YOU’RE Not OUT.