Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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It's Never Too Late To Change Your Story...

We have all experienced some pain, some hurt and some losses that have rocked us to our core. And for some reason, we replay our painful experiences over and over again in our minds.  We wish the outcome had been different, but it not, it is what it is. We try to mask the pain, but deep down inside our wounds have yet, to begin to heal.

ur past was damaging, but it is the past. But for some reason, we cannot shake those feelings of being unworthy, unlovable or unusable. No matter what we try, our past still seems to weigh us down.  You see, it is within our power to stop beating ourselves up and begin to change the stories in our head.

Don’t waste another moment beating yourself up on the inside.  You are enough.  You have what it takes. You already have all you need, in your hand. The question is, when are you going to start believing it. Leave the past in the past and become the you, who’s always been inside. Let your guard down, take off the masks you wear and let your testimony about your past, break through that roadblock of your soul.

Remember this; it is never too late to change your story, for your healing comes from what you choose to believe about yourself. Listen to your internal voice and be guided by what you love and not by what you are trying to hide. It’s time to turn your story around. It’s just a thought. Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) www.unclepaulsthoughts.com