Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Our Words Have Power

No word that you or I speak is without significance. Our words count big time—and that might be a good thing or bad thing, depending on the words we choose. Our words have power, and they impact the course of our lives.

The Bible says God saw everything that He made (Genesis 1:31). Well, how did He make those things? He spoke them into existence. Genesis is a record of God speaking things that appeared in the natural world as a result of what He said. Words are things. It's important to understand that when you speak words, you are also speaking things. What is spoken becomes that. Everything that exists came about by words.  When God speaks, “it is so.” “God said…and it was so…God called…and it was good…Then God blessed it.”

The power of words is fundamental to life—and can be instrumental in causing things to die. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. The word we speak can build people up, or they can tear people down. We must also recognize that our vocabulary impacts our attitude and our words have power. We must understand that words we speak can be compared to seeds planted in the ground. They may not come to life overnight, but they will grow.

You and I have the power of words. Our words are a gift that we have been given, that even though sometimes the words we speak are small they still can have a huge impact on our lives. Sometimes we say things out of habit, it is like our mouths have a mind of its own. Those bad habits can and must be broken. It will take some work, and it might require some practice and a little persistence, but you can get there

Our words have power, they impact others, but they also impact us. We must dismantle the negative impact of this thing that went out of my mouths, and we must find the real power of words. Our greatest weapon for good or evil - is in our mouth. So, don’t let your words bring destruction to yourself and those you love. Instead, let your words speak life into the world around us. We must develop a tongue that constantly gives life and power each time our mouth is opened.

Remember this; negative words are like boomerangs, which come flying back to strike the one who spoke them. Your future lives in your mouth, so, take your words seriously. – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul) www.unclepaulsthoughts.com

Tweetable Moment: “Negative words are like boomerangs, which come flying back to strike the one who spoke them. Your future lives in your mouth, so, take your words seriously.” – It’s Just a Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)   www.unclepaulsthoughts.com