Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Change Must Start Within Us…

Change Must Start Within Us…

We spend too much time and waste too much energy in futile attempts to change things in our lives that we are not really ready or willing to quit. It will eventually lead to major cause of frustration and other forms of anger towards ourselves and others. At some point in your life, you have to understand that you can ’t change what you not ready to quit.

Can things be different for you? Yes indeed, but you have to want to change it. You just need to start taking control of your life right now! Your life is your story, and it is up to you to start rewriting the chapters of your life. You are YOU, and you must become the best possible version of you that you can. Why waste time in ineffective attempts to change what you are not willing to give up yet.

So, the question is, do you want to stop what you say you want to stop? You see, to be honest, we are torn between two lovers, torn between wanting to change and not wanting to change. Torn between two feelings, we have mixed emotions. We like things, the way we feel when we do the things we say we don’t want to and hating ourselves after we do it. It feels good, but at the same time, we would like to be able to let it go.

We must be ready for a change. That choice must originate from within us; if not all attempts to force change will typically fail. People change when they are ready, willing, and able to. People are ready to change when the change becomes their highest priority and when they firmly decide to leave the past behind and make a new future.

Remember this; everything can be taken from a man, except that which he refuses to release. When you begin to master your mindset, embrace a positive outlook on life, and commit to your goals, you will most likely finish what you start and start leading the life you expect and crave. Look, it’s within your reach if you can just commit to your dreams, goals, and visions.

My biggest fear in life is to be forgotten.” No one ever came to this planet to take a back seat, play second fiddle or make it small. Push the impossible.

Life is short. Your time here on earth is so valuable, so live it to the fullest. Do you really, want to look back one day and regret all the actions you didn’t take?  Change is up to you and nobody else, your either want it or you don’t. – It’s Just A Thought – Paul Steven Smith (Uncle Paul)

Tweetable Moment: “Everything can be taken from a man, except that which he refuses to release. Change is up to you and nobody else, your either want it or you don’t.”

Love They Self First...

Love They Self First...

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Stay the Course...