Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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There’s A Lesson In It…

Life lessons are not always pretty, they are not always timely, they are not always convenient, but they are always necessary. Without life's lesson, we would never grow, they are an important part of ours development. Life has a way of sending us our lessons at the most inconvenient times. But what I have learned, is that we learn best from our mistakes and life’s disasters.

Sometimes life can feel like we have hit rock bottom. We find ourselves financially stressed, facing the challenges of burying a loved one, face to face with a divorce, it is difficult at that moment to find a life lesson in it.  Yes, as tragic as you circumstances are, it is real and you can’t turn the clock back. But what you can do is, not be bitter and let that moment stop you. Embrace the life lesson and live it to its fullest. Allow the healing process to have its way, and remember that there is a life lesson in everything that we experience. The lesson may not appear on the surface, but take the time to dig deeper, and it will eventually be uncovered. It’s Just A Though – Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)