Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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We Have To Simplify Our Lives...

There comes a time that we all must begin to live a simplified life. A simplified life means we should remove anything from our lives that would get in the way and hold us back. You see, one of the biggest misconceptions in life is that being busy makes your life have more meaning. You see, being busy does not mean that you are productive. You can be busy and do nothing. I heard an old man say one day, you can be busy doing a lot of little, good things and that is okay. But you see, all those little things are keeping you from doing that one best thing.

That’s why we must simplify our lives. We must get rid of the unnecessary baggage in life. We must also, stop trying to do it all. You see, what matters most, is that we stay focused on the race that has been set before us. We must continue to live a life of purpose, but the problem is, most of us don’t have the time to live that life because we are so busy, that we can’t focus on the one great thing. The reason we don’t have time is we haven’t taken the time to simplify our life. 

Simplify your life and cut back on being busy. When you simplify your life, this allows you to focus on what really matters. You see, when you are being pulled in too many directions, it is hard to be productive.  Simplifying means you are reducing or eliminating activities that are often distractions, favors, obligations or inefficiencies. Free up your time and energy so that you can dedicate it to your long-term goals and to things that are really important for you. So, the question for you to ponder, is, are you busy or are your productive? - It's Just A Thought...

Uncle Paul - Paul Steven Smith