Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Obstacles in front of you are no match for your will...

Someone one once said, where there is a will there is a way. I have come to realize, that the true test of success is measured by your will to thrive, in the face of challenges. You will be surprised by the strength that is concealed within you. 

It’s just like the mother who watches their child get hit by a car, and the car is sitting on their chest. Somehow, she harnessed that inner strength to lift that car off her child. She had it in her, and you do too. We all have it. It is waiting for you to tap into it and draw it out. You see, it is at this moment you are the most powerful. Why? Because you do not have the time to talk yourself out of it. You do not have time to battle with our mind. You just have to make a decision; you just have to take action, even when all logic tells you otherwise. 

Whether you know it or not, you have the will to keep moving forward even when everything is pushing you back. You have the will to pick yourself up when you fall. You have the will, to move forward despite the challenges that you are enduring.  You have the will to believe in yourself when others don’t. You have the will to keep fighting when life knocks you down. You have the will to go on despite the difficult road ahead. You see, your obstacles are no match for your will.

You must get up and fight. You must get up and believe against the odds. You must have the determination to move forward towards your goals. You must, stop overthinking things and get to work. I believe you can accomplish great things, even more than what you can imagine. I believe that you have hidden within you, the strength of a roaring lion, waiting to be unleashed.

There is one thing that you must do, and that is, believe it too. You just have to open the mind gate and let it lose.