Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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When Life Changes Your Plans…

“Life is filled with interruptions, inconveniences, frustrations, and unexpected events, things happen. Life is so unpredictable, and if we fail to go with it, we miss out. You see, when the unexpected happens we have two choices, be frustrated by the change, or to embrace the change. To embrace the change, we must let go of control, and if we are honest with ourselves, we don’t really have control anyway. Our lives are managed by a Higher Source anyway.

The problem is, how we handle life’s interruptions, most of us usually handle these interruptions poorly. We react with frustration, disappointment, and anger. Sometimes we want to stomp our feet and scream at the top of our lungs; life isn’t fair. We want to blame others for life’s inconveniencing us. We will even throw ourselves one of the world’s biggest pity-parties, and get others to share in our pain.

Though these interruptions are unexpected and catch us off guard, they are not random, meaningless events. These interruptions are placed in our path for a reason. Everything that transpires in our lives has a purpose; there are no accidents, we are where we are supposed to be at that moment. Though we cannot fully understand our current situation, it has a purpose, which will someday show itself. We often overlook these interruptions and inconveniences, instead of embracing them as a work that will ultimately be a life-changing circumstance for the better.

It is in these pains in the neck, annoyance, that we learn to rely on God. So, when life changes our plans, we must learn to go with the unexpected and learn how to embrace it as a new adventure.  You must see your challenges as adventures, which have been divinely placed in our paths for a reason. It is in these times; we begin to understand that we don’t have life figured out and that we can’t do it on our own. We must take your eyes off ourselves and put them on a God, who cares more about our transformation than momentary, discomforts.” It’s Just A Thought. Uncle Paul (Paul Steven Smith)