Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Life is complex, unpredictable, and uncertain...

“You see, this journey of life that we are on is complex, unpredictable, and uncertain. At times, it is filled with high points and low points, up’s and downs and everything in between. I have come to understand, that challenges are a part of life, it doesn’t matter if we like them or not. My challenges have never asked my permission to come and invade my life, they just show up, and life changes for a brief moment.

I then, somehow connect to my inner strength and find a way to pull myself up out of the pit. So, when life knocks you down, there are always two choices, stay down or get back up. We must get up, and pick up the broken pieces of our lives, and find our rhythm again and march onward once more. Look, let’s be honest, we all have had rough patch’s in our lives. Sometimes, things happen in our lives that are out of our control, change happens.

In the end, it is all about our attitude and how we handle our adversities; and how we stay positive in spite of what we are going through in life. Remember this, everything in life has a purpose, every challenge that comes our way always has a motivation behind. Sometimes, they come our way to test our strength, and other times, they are there simply to push us in a different direction. But, it is our job to uncover why things happen, we must learn to use our low points in life to learn, to develop, to grow and evolve.

So, when life hits take the wind out of your sails unexpectedly, take a step back, learn to accept what is, because, in the end, it is what it is.  You can't control everything, trust the one who knows everything and eventually, everything will fall into place.” Uncle Paul