Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Everything in life is temporary…

I heard the song the other day; everything must change, nothing stays the same. As I listened to the melody, I begin to think about the words of the song, and what they were saying to me is everything in life is temporary. Every time it rains; it stops raining. Every time it snows; it stops snowing. Every time you get hurt, you get healed. Every time life tosses you a test, you win. After a dark day, there is always light. After a storm; there is always sunshine. You see, everything is temporary, no matter what you are going through, please understand, that the night will not last forever.  Everything in life is temporary; nothing lasts forever.

So, if things are great right now, appreciate it. In the event that things are falling apart in your life, don’t fret it. Good times or bad times will not last forever. If they did we would never grow, remember this, everything in life is temporary. Live in the moment and make the best of every situation. Tomorrow is not promised, give life you best today, no matter what you are going through in your life, remember this everything in life is temporary.

Paul Steven Smith - AKA UNCLE PAUL