Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Don't Settle For The Suitable

Don't Settle For The Suitable

Sometimes in life, we settle for things, when thing, don’t work out the way we want them to. Just because we experience a small setback or just because we experience a small victory in our lives, does not mean that we settle for the suitable. It does not mean that we should not continue toward our goals. We should never allow reasoning to blind us of our ultimate goal. Sometimes, we can be right on the verge of reaching our goal and instead of pushing forward, we allow ourselves to settle for less. But the truth be told, the only way we will ever be truly satisfied is to keep moving toward our final objective. Most of us want to settle, instead of pushing on through our challenges, which is what we can and should do. Whatever you do, keep pushing.

Uncle Paul’s Thought: Never settle for average. Don't give up the best for good. Don't fall for the temptation to settle for the suitable. Don't give up. Don't quit. Your due season is coming. Don't stop short. Press on until you receive the complete fulfillment of the promise. Don't settle for the suitable. Remember this, never settle for substitutes to satisfy your hopes, dreams and the craving of your soul. Because, in the end, it won’t work. Keep pushing for the real thing.

It’s just a thought
Paul Steven Smith
Uncle Paul

Let go and allow the flow. 

Let go and allow the flow. 

Negativity Is A Mind Killer

Negativity Is A Mind Killer