Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Keep Swinging

Keep Swinging

As we travel through this journey called life, we must always expect the unexpected. None of us will go through life unscathed; we will all face challenges. In fact, in the game of life, we can expect life to throw us a few curve balls. Some will be faster or harder than others, but we must keep swinging.

So, the question that we must ask ourselves is, how are we going to react when life takes an unexpected turn? Are we going to cry, fall apart, or get distracted, or just accept defeat? Rather than accepting defeat, I invite you to step up to the plate, accept the challenge and swing again. You may strike out a few times, but keep on swinging. No matter what life throws your way, it’s up to you to you to keep on swinging.

It’s just a thought

Paul Steven Smith

Uncle Paul


Fix thy self-first...

Fix thy self-first...

It’s Time To Get Your Happy Back

It’s Time To Get Your Happy Back