Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Sing Your Song

Sing Your Song

Sometimes in life, you have to learn how to sing your own song. It is easy to sing someone else’s song and to pretend like it is your song that you are singing. You must sing your own song, and you must live the song that you are singing. When you live it, you will put all of your energy, all of your effort and all of your time into the process and production of your song.


When you begin to sing your song, it will profoundly affect the way you live your life. It will determine whether you become the person you want to be and whether you accomplish the things you value in life. Sometimes you just need to sing your song and let go and see what happens. You know, it takes courage, to sing your song in a strange land. But it is your song, and it must be sung. So, so sing the hell out of it.


Uncle Paul’s Thought: Whether you see life as a comedy, a drama, a dream, or song, use whatever works for you. Live your life, not somebody else’s. Create your own style, walk your walk, sing your song, and hit all the high notes you can, and understand that a good song must also have some low notes. In life, you can’t always sing on the mountaintop; sometimes you have to sing in the valley.


If you want to make the most of this life, sing your song, sing it loud, sing it proud, and sing it like only you can. Because the truth be told, no one else can sing your song. It's your song, so sing it.


It’s just a thought.

Paul Steven Smith

Uncle Paul

It’s Time To Get Your Happy Back

It’s Time To Get Your Happy Back

