Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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Life is a journey, and the journey is about changing, evolving and coming to terms with who and what we are. Sometimes in the process, we screw up, and when we do, we must learn from them and move on, because life is not standing around waiting for us. It is still moving, it’s still developing, and life is going to go on with or without our participation. We need to let go of our past mistakes and figure out a different path towards the same goal. 

Uncle Paul’s Thought: You are going to make mistakes in life, but the most important thing is, that you learn from them. Remember this, the biggest screw up you can make in life, is just to give up and stop trying. You have more than one shot to create the life you want, so when you screw up in life, just keep trying until you get it right. 

It’s just a thought.

Paul Steven Smith
Uncle Paul
