Uncle Paul's Thoughts

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You Can't Control It All

You Can’t Control It All


Transformation doesn’t just happen; it takes planning and hard work. And, as much as we try to create a perfect plan, something is always going to happen that you just can’t control. So, why stress out, about things that are outside of our control? Our stressing out will not change things, it will just be added stress. We must focus on the thing that we can control and trust and believe that everything else will work out, one way or another. Look, we’ve made it this far, even when we thought we couldn’t. We made it, even when thing’s did not look like they were going to come together.  So why are we stressing now? It’s just a thought.


Uncle Paul’s Thought: Things are going to happen in our lives that we just, can’t control. We can't prevent a storm from coming, but we can prepare for it. We can't control how someone else behaves, but we can control how we react. Don't try to fix people who don't want to be fixed. Fix thou self, first. Focus on changing your behavior. And even if the storm hits us, usually, the worst-case scenario isn't as tragic as we might have envisioned. So, change the channel in your mind and focus on the thing you have control over and find a way to deal with the things you don’t. Just keep telling yourself, I can handle this; because I am stronger than I think.